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Regal submits planning application for Pavilion site at Great North Leisure Park

Finchley Road

As part of the proposals for the delivery of a new leisure centre and a new sustainable neighbourhood at Great North Leisure Park, Regal has submitted a planning application for the development of a small area of land, referred to as “The Pavilion Site”, adjacent to the A1000.

The application seeks permission for the construction of a two-storey building that will house commercial and office spaces to better enable preparatory works on the wider Great North Leisure Park site. The new building will bring an exciting sense of arrival with high quality design features.

The application does not contain plans for the wider development; a more substantial detailed application will be submitted in Autumn 2024 following a further round of public consultation over the summer.

At Great North Leisure Park, Regal are proposing a new leisure centre, replacing the Finchley Lido that is no longer fit for purpose alongside a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive neighbourhood with better green connections.

In addition, a Scoping Report has been submitted to the London Borough of Barnet to request an Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’) Scoping Opinion on the redevelopment of Great North Leisure Park. This sets out the proposed scope of the EIA that will be submitted as part of a planning application. As part of this there are some assumed development parameters, including: a replacement leisure centre, 1,500 residential homes, around 2,000 sqm of commercial floorspace, as well as associated car and cycle parking, servicing, landscaping and public realm and highway improvements.

The Scoping Report identifies which topics are proposed to be ‘Scoped In’ into the assessment, undertake detailed analysis of the impact of the proposals both within the site and to the local surrounding area, and identify any required mitigation measures. As the design development process progresses, detailed EIA analysis will begin to be undertaken based on these identified topics and inform the proposals to help minimise impact.

A further public consultation is anticipated to take place in the summer, with a submission of a full planning application to follow in the autumn.

Pavilion site Finchley

We have been working hard on the plans for Great North Leisure Park and the new leisure centre. This initial application and Scoping Report will enable the project to move forward smoothly, enabling preparatory works onsite.

Steve Harrington
Planning Director

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